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Adam Mellor

Adam, an IT specialist by day and stupidity wrangler by night, brings over 7 years of experience in troubleshooting complex systems-human and technical alike. He's served in the USAF, earned a Master's degree in Information Technology, and can handle cybersecurity with the same precision he handles life's nonsense. Coined by military commanders and Chaplains alike, Adam is on a mission to help you navigate the "stupid" with humor, insight, and a dash of military discipline.

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How to Deal with Stupid

Adam Mellor

We all have that one friend... you know, the one I'm talking about, who is always flying by the seat of their pants and can't make a solid decision to save their life. If you've ever found yourself questioning humanity and asking, 'What on earth are they doing?!'

Then this book is for you. Sadly, people don't come with an owner's manual yet somehow; they still function...mostly. Grab this book to survive the daily onslaught of stupidity and learn how to keep your sanity intact while everyone around you loses theirs!

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